A multipurpose treatment that uses your skin’s natural healing abilities to stimulate collagen and elastin production.

ABOUT microneedling

Microneedling is a minimally invasive procedure that creates micro wounds in the skin to stimulate collagen production. This multi-purpose treatment takes advantage of the body’s natural healing process to treat a variety of skin conditions. To achieve optimal results, a series of multiple treatments is typically recommended.


SkinPen uses a handheld device creates micro-channels (microscopic holes) at a rate of 1600 per second. These wounds stimulate your skin, kicking its healing process into high gear to stimulate collagen.

how it works

Microneedling is a minimally invasive procedure with very little downtime. Your skin will be thoroughly cleansed and a numbing cream will be applied prior to the treatment. During the treatment you may feel some warmth and a burning sensation as the device moves over your skin, but the numbing cream should keep pain to a minimum. Immediately after treatment, your skin will likely be red and swollen; this can last up to a few days. You can return to your normal routine immediately after the procedure, but you should stay out of the sun until your skin heals.


  • Microneedling is a great treatment for people looking to address the following concerns:

  • acne scars

  • surgical scars

  • wrinkles and fine lines

  • hyperpigmentation

  • sun damage

  • large pores

  • uneven skin texture



  • The needle used for microneedling is longer and thicker than the one used for the SkinPen; as such, it penetrates deeper into the skin. Therefore, you can expect more post-procedure soreness with microneedling than with SkinPen

  • In addition to producing results that can last for four to six weeks, there are many other benefits of SkinPen microneedling. Whether you have age-related concerns or you simply want to enhance the appearance of your skin, these benefits can improve most aspects of your skin concerns.

  • SkinPen creates micro-channels (microscopic holes) at a rate of 1600 per second. These wounds stimulate your skin, kicking its healing process into high gear.

  • If you are trying to minimize large pores, you may need only one treatment session, but you may need two to three sessions if you are trying to reduce wrinkles. On the other hand, if you want to solve acne scars, it can take 4 to 6 sessions, depending on how your body heals.

  • What Can I Expect During Treatment? One of the most compelling benefits of treatment with this skin pen device is there is absolutely no pain or discomfort. The needles used are so fine that you will feel them penetrate your skin. However, it feels nothing like being stuck with a couple of heavy-gauge needles!